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Black LUA puppy

This black spotted puppy will be ready for his forever home in mid September. He will be placed in a home where he can be shown in conformation.

He is a member of the Capra x Flo litter. He will be co-owned by Meadow Brook. If you are interested in a puppy from this litter, you can apply to us or to Robbsdale Dalmatians.

He has full trim (black pigment around his eyes and on his nose leather), and even spotting on both sides. His spots will be frosty like Capra's until they finish darkening/expanding at a few years old.

Here he is at 4 weeks old

He is a sweet boy who is not the most bold or independent spirit. He will likely be a big couch cuddler.

And at five weeks, you can see his feet tightening into the classic "cat feet."

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